Friday, August 21, 2020

Introduction to Blog

     Hello! My name is Kaitlyn Briones, and this blog will take you through the crazy world we are currently living in. Right now, we are living amongst a global pandemic, a time that no one ever thought we would experience. These times are filled with uncertainty and fear as we all attempt to cope what is forced to our new normal. Before I get into much detail, here is a little bit about me. I recently graduated high school, and I too shared all the disappointments and heartbreaks with my fellow class of 2020. I am 18 years old, and just started at the University of Kentucky to study biology in the hopes to eventually be able to go into the medical field. I have two younger brothers, and my mom works at a Catholic grade school. My dad passed away almost three years ago, so Covid-19 has struck fear into my entire family, as we do not want to lose someone else. Since this passing, my entire family has remained very close. They all work in the medical field with my grandparents being physicians, and my aunt being one of the head doctors at the University of Louisville Hospital's Covid-19 unit. 

    Overall, Covid has not affected me personally other than exposures, and cancelling anticipated events. I have had to go into quarantine a few times after finding out people I had been in contact with tested positive. I often wonder if our world will ever return to normal, or if this will be our new normal. It is crazy to think that just a few months ago we could leave our rooms without a mask or get closer than six feet to each other. Stay tuned to see how the University of Kentucky handles these special circumstances, and how this will be a college experience like no other. 

Covid vaccines and global cooperation

 Obviously, when a vaccine is successful, and ready to be put to use, it must be globalized. However, with uncertainty still in the air, the...